New Point of Sale and more!

Hello everyone!

Happy New Year! We wish you dozens of guests (not necessarily in the same bed though), fun staff parties, and great experiences!

With the New Year, we have just released a new system update. See below some features that are available now in FrontDesk Master.

More good news coming soon.


Point of Sale

Booking Methods in automatic emails
Enlarge guest photo
Smart Availability Rules
Minimum Advance restriction for
INE report improvements for Portugal
Did you know that…?

Point of Sale

Try the updated version of our Point of Sale. Set up custom categories and item colors, use new search item option, sell items for different consumption dates, give change or sell to staff members. All that is in the updated interface that we hope you’ll like!

Custom item and category colors

Now you can create custom category colors and set different colors for items’ backgrounds. 

You will find Edit Categories button in Item Manager. You can access it now without opening a sale item. When changing category color, you can use the default color palette or HEX color codes.

To set up the background color of a sale item, open the item in Item Manager and choose the color using Select color option. Here you can also use the default color palette or custom colors in HEX.

Sell multiple items per consumption date

With the recent update, we added an option to sell items for different consumption dates. When selling breakfasts, you can do that now with just one sale. For that, use Sell multiple per consumption date option. It will allow you to choose the quantity and price of items that will be consumed on different days of the reservation.

All sales will be listed per consumption date in the Sales tab in the reservation form:

You can double-click on the item or use Edit button to adjust sold item quantity or prices.

Search item

Now you can use dynamic search in POS to quickly find items from your list. Start typing the item name to filter the list.

Pay Now button

Pay now button has two options now:

  • Click on Pay Now button – the transaction will be registered on the default property account, e.g., Cash Box. It works like the old “Exact Cash” button.
  • Click on the arrow to select a different account where you would like to save the transaction.

Give change (or don’t)

If the Pay Now amount is higher than the sale items value, on Pay Now button click you will have the option to give a change and register a change transaction in a different currency.

This modal gives you three options:

  • Sell and give change in the same currency. In this case, the system will show you how much is the change for the received amount. It won’t create any change transaction in the system, just the regular sale with the total sale amount.
  • Sell and give change in a different currency. If you select a different currency to give a change, the system will calculate the amount to give to the guest and it will create the change transaction in the selected currency.
  • Sell and do not give change. This option allows you to register the transaction value higher than the total value of sold items. Total sale remains the same, but you register a higher amount paid by the guest.

Sell to Staff members

To register sales to staff members, use Sell to Staff button. Select the user who buys selected items and confirm the sale. Note that you can set up different prices for staff members in item settings.

Booking Methods in automatic emails

Now you can select multiple booking methods in automatic emails instead of creating separate lines for each of them!

Enlarge guest photos 📸

Double-click on the uploaded image will enlarge it so you can see the guest photo or uploaded document on a larger scale.

Smart Availability Rules

Automatically block selected room types if another room type is booked. This availability automation works great if you offer an option to book the whole property or rooms in different combinations. Now you do not have to block such rooms manually and risk overbookings, let the system do it for you!

For example, our FULL HOUSE room type will be closed automatically if selected room types are booked. The reverse rule adds the same rule for selected room types – if one of the room types is booked, FULL HOUSE will be closed automatically.

Minimum Advance Booking for

There is a new restriction for, Minimum Advance Booking, which you can set up via Cut Off restriction in FDM. Cut off will restrict the minimum number of days before check-in that a guest can book a room or unit. E.g., if we set the restriction for 1 day, guests won’t be able to book for the same day.


INE report improvements (for Portugal)

We added some improvements that will help you generate INE from the National Statistics report

In the first step, set up the INE configuration in Property Settings / General / Company Details. After that, you will be able to generate the full INE report from National Statistics. On the right side panel, you will find extra options and fields that you can add to the report.

Did you know that in FrontDesk Master you can …?

(UPDATED 14th Dec) IMPORTANT! sends the wrong number of guests in reservations.

Dear Partners, is still experiencing one of the issues. These problems are not on FrontDesk Master side.

  1. The problem with receiving No Show updates from channel managers was resolved by
  2. Unfortunately, the problem when sends an incorrect number of guests in reservations persists. Please make sure to correct them manually if needed.

As soon as fixes the issue, we will let you know immediately.

Best regards,
FrontDesk Master Team


Estimados clientes: sigue con uno de los problemas.

  1. El primero con recibir actualizaciones sobre No Shows enviadas de los channel managers fue resuelto por
  2. Lamentablemente, sigue el problema donde envía a veces un número incorrecto de huéspedes en las reservas. Asegúrese de corregirlos manualmente si es necesario.

En cuanto tengamos noticias sobre la resolución de este problema, se lo haremos saber enseguida.

FrontDesk Master Team

Mobile access to FrontDesk Master!

Hello everyone,

We hope that you are doing well. This month we have released a new system update. The most exciting one is mobile access to FrontDesk Master.

See below some new features that are available now in FrontDesk Master.

More good news coming soon.

FrontDesk Master Team

Currency option for rounding prices

We have added the possibility of choosing the currencies you want to apply the rounding rules on.

Exchange rate update improvement

We have added an option to update the channels immediately after receiving the exchange rate information from the official source.

Booking method filter in Guest demographics report

Possibility of editing items sold in reservation

Now you will be able to edit the price and the number of items sold in a reservation.

New city tax model for Greece

New pre-defined tax model, Greece | €1.5, adds city tax differently for dorms and private rooms:

    • dorm rooms – €1.5 per bednight (guest)
    • private rooms – €1.5 per private room per night. 

The standard Greece city tax model, adds €0.5 per bednight in dorms and per night in private rooms.

Add guest nationality improvements

Now you can search for guest nationality much faster by typing it in Guest Details!

Option 1: Mobile Access 

If you log in to FrontDesk Master on your phone, you will see a number of features that were adjusted for the mobile and touch view. See below the already available features. (Mobile POS, housekeeping, accounts, and booking list are in the works!)

Create new bookings

Use the new Add Booking option to easily create bookings on mobile.

Close Rooms and edit prices with Bulk Update

Use Bulk Update to set up restrictions, close availability or change prices from your mobile.

Check your prices and availability

Use Prices Calendar to quickly check your room types’ availability, prices, and restrictions. Run Global Update and change your prices manually.

See your bookings on Bed View

Mobile bed view allows you to check your bookings and guests on beds. See the reservation status and details for selected reservation.

Check your property Dashboard

Use Dashboard to quickly check your property occupancy, guests, and statistics for the day. Check recent changes in Live Feed.

Option 2: Full FrontDesk Master on mobile!

The limited number of features described above are adjusted for the mobile and touch screens. However, there is also an option to run a full FrontDesk Master version on your phone.

For that, you need to do the following:

  1. Download a free Puffin Web Browser (Apple Store or Play Store)
  2. Open browser settings in the top-right corner and select Request desktop site and Mouse options.

3. Log in to FrontDesk Master in the horizontal view.

Hurray! You can use now all the features on your phone. 

Other important bug fixes

  • DEV-8099 Online check-in: button text edited manually in Firefox browser
  • DEV-8089 Accommodation revenue – duplicated filter
  • DEV-8069 Pickup report crashes after a few dates and filters changes
  • DEV-8066 Occupancy report does not work when you compare it to previous years
  • DEV-7950 Unallocated booking highlighting not working
  • DEV-7906 UI corrections
  • DEV-7821 Invoices – problem with changing the item description
  • DEV-7461 BE Coupon not working with days restrictions
  • DEV-7340 Shifts audit report – shift reports appear on incorrect dates
  • DEV-4234 Incorrect currency on cancellation notification

IMPORTANT! Two problems

Dear Partners, is experiencing two issues at the momoment.

  1. First one with receiving No Show updates from channel managers. They are working on it. Please make sure to mark the reservations as No Show directly in your Extranet.
  2. sends sometimes incorrect number of guests in reservations. Please make sure to correct them manually if needed.

As soon as fixes the issues, we will let you know immediately.

Best regards,
FrontDesk Master Team


Estimados clientes: está experimentando dos problemas en este momento.

  1. El primero con recibir actualizaciones sobre No Shows enviadas de los channel managers. Están trabajando en la solución. Asegúrense de marcar las reservas como No Show directamente en su Extranet de
  2. envía a veces un número incorrecto de huéspedes en las reservas. Asegúrese de corregirlos manualmente si es necesario.

En cuanto tengamos noticias sobre la resolución de estos problemas, se lo haremos saber enseguida.

FrontDesk Master Team

IMPORTANT! Hostelworld outage


HostelWorld has informed us that the problem was resolved. Please make sure all bookings made on November 10th and 11th are in the system. If needed please enter them manually. The new ones should enter correctly.


HostelWorld nos ha informacion de que el problema está resuelto. Por favor, asegúrese de que todas las reservas de HostelWorld hechas entre el 10 y 11 no noviembre están en el sistema. Si es necesario, ingréselas manualmente. Las nuevas deben entrar correctamente.

Best regards,
FrontDesk Master Team


Dear Partners,

Hostelworld is currently experiencing issues with sending new bookings to channel managers and receiving availability and rate update. They are working on the solution. Please make sure you have received all new Hostelworld bookings correctly in FrontDesk Master, and add them to the system manually if necessary.

As soon as Hostelworld fixes the issue, we will let you know immediately.

Best regards,
FrontDesk Master Team


Estimados Clientes:

Hostelworld está experimentando problemas con el envío de nuevas reservas a los channel managers y con recibir las actualizaciones de disponibilidad y precios. Están trabajando en la solución. Por favor, asegúrense de que han recibido todas las nuevas reservas de Hostelworld correctamente, y añádanlas al sistema manualmente si es necesario.

En cuanto tengamos noticias sobre la resolución del problema, se lo haremos saber enseguida.

FrontDesk Master Team

More good news!

Hello everyone,

We hope that you are doing well. See below some new features available in FrontDesk Master.

More good news coming soon.

FrontDesk Master Team

Important! Read please: A better control of checked-out and checked-in reservations

We have implemented some extra rules and permission related to controlling who and when can edit checked-in and checked-out reservations. They will help you to avoid unauthorized changes in bookings.

Please read these articles:

1) Editing checked-out bookings is limited now

2) Editing check-in bookings is limited now

Dashboard improvements and new modules

We have improved FrontDesk Master dashboard. Please check this article about the newly available modules.








Task module

Now you can add tasks and connect them with reservations.

  1. How to add a task and link it with a reservation?
  2. How to search for bookings with tasks?
  3. How do task notifications work?
  4. How to mark the task as complete?

Specific city tax for private rooms only

We have added an extra option which allows applying the city tax only for private rooms.

Different taxes for different periods

Now you can set up different accommodation and sale taxes for different periods.

Manage occupancy prices on directly from FrontDesk Master

Now you can manage your occupancy prices for private rooms on directly from the system instead of setting them up on the Extranet.

Click here in order to see how to make it work!

SPOILER ALERT! Automated, rule-based calculation of occupancy prices will be released soon!

More options to collect pre-payments with Stripe on your Booking Engine

Just a reminder. You can use Stripe to collect pre-payments (or payments for non-refundable reservations) in your booking engine on your website. 

Now you can charge not only a booking percentage but also you can make a pre-payment equal to a certain number of nights. 

New Booking Search window

We have added a new tab in Reservation View that allows searching and filtering bookings more flexibly and effectively. 

Guest profile

Check your guest profiles in FrontDesk Master. You can find information about a specific guest in one place.

Daily Revenue report

Check your daily revenues in our new report!

Click on the underlined value in order to see the related reservations or transactions.

Extra fields in the Guest List report

Now you can extract more information about your guest by using extra fields in the Guest List report.

ID type for Brasil

We have added extra ID types for Brazilian properties!

Filter your bills by the due date!

We have added an extra filter for you to make finding your bills easier.

Improvements of Reservation Payments report

Now you can filter your reservation payments by stay date. We have also added an extra summary table to this report.

Extra invoice table for Spain

You can now use a new table {InvoiceItemsTableSpainIII} in Spanish on your invoices!

Booking list improvements

Now you can check and uncheck the statuses with one click on your bookings list.

Check here how to see more columns.

We have also added some extra columns there!

Staff sales improvements

Now your staff sales will be automatically saved on the default account you set up for a specific item.

Pre-paid bookings from

Now you can immediately register the payments from pre-paid bookings you receive from!

Export Account Balance report to Excel

Now you can export your Account Balance Report to CSV format and open it in Excel!

Free Google Hotel links

Do you use FrontDesk Master booking engine? Now you can make your property appear on free Google Hotel links. Check this link to see how to enable it.

Avoid errors while moving reservations!

When you move a reservation, the system will show in the pop-up extra information about what details are going to change. This will help you to avoid unwanted date or room type changes.

Consumption date for returned items

The consumption date information for returned items was added in the sales tab.

Stay date filter in OTA metrics report

Now you can filter the information by stay date in OTA metrics report.

Make refunds via Stripe!

Now you can not only take payments via Stripe but also make refunds!


Strategies for 730 days!

Now you can set up strategies for 730 days!

An easier way of extending bookings

Now you can extend your bookings in an easier way directly from right-click menu.

Change credit card details

Now you can delete the existing credit card and add new details.

New keys for emails and printouts!

We have added some extra keys for emails and printouts that will extract for you the following information:

  • Booking method
  • ID type
  • Arrival time
  • Referral
  • List of reservation room types
  • Reservation and guest extra fileds

New date filters in Guest Demographics and Nationality Behaviour reports



Rounding prices

You don’t use decimals or tenths? You would like to round your prices? Now you can do that. Please read this article about the new rounding rules feature!

Other important bug fixes

  • DEV-7910 Shift audit – shift transactions out of order
  • DEV-7867 Permissions problems
  • DEV-7861 Daily Revenue – incorrect extras tax values with Show Details option
  • DEV-7841 Problem with editing booking engine items
  • DEV-7827 Can’t add a guest to the blacklist if there are guest notes
  • DEV-7811 City tax – inconsistency in reports
  • DEV-7730 Problem with city tax value on in InvoiceItemsTableSpainIII
  • DEV-7628 Notification emails not sent
  • DEV-7078 Booking Engine – max guests restriction not working
  • DEV-7028 Popup about occupied room appears when it should not
  • DEV-1552 Split and availability problem

Become a founder, investor, or CEO! is an upsell, online check-in, and guest engagement platform that has been developed in 2019. Sadly, its commercialization was stopped due to COVID-19.

Currently, Guestbuddy is looking for people who would be interested in joining the team as founders, investors, or executives. This is an opportunity to get involved in the early-stage startup and experience its launch and growth.

If you are interested, and you’d like to receive more information please contact Guestbuddy at


FrontDesk Master Team

P.S. Please note that financial investment will be a requirement. The offer is intended for people who are looking for business opportunities.


Dear Partners,

We were experiencing issues with reservations from, HostelWorld and Expedia due to a third party problems. The problem is solved. Please check the reservations made starting from 30.04 untl 01.05. If some of them are missing please enter them manually.

Apologize for the inconvenience.

Best regards,
FrontDesk Master Team


Estimados clientes:

Hemos estado experimentando problemas con reservas de, HostelWorld e Expedia debido a problemas de terceros. El problemema está resuelto. Por favor, revisen las reservas hechas comenzando desde el 30.04 hasta el 01.05. Si faltan algunas, colóquenlas manualmente en el sistema.

Disculpen las inconveniencias.

FrontDesk Master Team

Server maintenance

Dear Partner,

We would like to inform you that FrontDesk Master will be undergoing server maintenance on Monday, January 24th 2022, between 6:30 AM and 9:30 AM GMT.

Please note that during the mentioned hours the system will be available, however, any system settings won’t be saved. Changes made in reservations will be saved.

Apologize for the inconvenience.

Best regards,

FrontDesk Master Team