Integrated Passport Scanner


Tired of long lines at reception and frustrated guests?
We know that check-in can be a hassle—long queues, manual data entry, and the risk of typos slow down the process and frustrate both guests and staff.

But what if there was a way to make the check-in process seamless?
With our Combo Scan, checking in guests has never been easier. Simply scan their ID or passport, and the system instantly captures the details—no typing, no errors, and no wasted time.

Why hotels and hostels love it:

  • Faster check-ins – Reduce wait times and eliminate long queues
  • Automatic data entry, no manual entry – Say goodbye to typos and misspelled names
  • Better guest experience – Happy guests mean better reviews and repeat bookings
  • Improved staff efficiency – Receptionists focus on hospitality, not data entry
  • Seamless integration – Just plug it in, install and start scanning

Make your front desk more efficient today; become a Front Desk Master!

Contact to learn more.

Happy guests, happy receptionists, and more business for your venue!


¿Cansado de las largas colas en la recepción y de los huéspedes frustrados? 
Sabemos que el check-in puede ser una molestia: las largas colas, la introducción manual de datos y el riesgo de errores tipográficos ralentizan el proceso y frustran tanto a los huéspedes como al personal.

Pero ¿qué pasaría si hubiera una manera de hacer que el proceso de registro fuera fluido?
Con nuestro Combo Scan, registrar a los huéspedes nunca ha sido tan fácil. Simplemente escanee su documento de identidad o pasaporte, y el sistema capturará instantáneamente los detalles, sin escribir, sin errores y sin perder tiempo.

Por qué a los hoteles y hostales les encanta:

    • Check-ins más rápidos: reduzca los tiempos de espera y elimine las largas colas
    • Entrada automática de datos, sin entrada manual: diga adiós a los errores tipográficos y a los nombres mal escritos
    • Mejor experiencia para los huéspedes: los huéspedes satisfechos significan mejores reseñas y reservas repetidas
    • Mejora de la eficiencia del personal: los recepcionistas se centran en la hospitalidad, no en la entrada de datos
    • Integración perfecta: solo tienes que conectarlo y empezar a escanear

Haga que su recepción sea más eficiente hoy; ¡Conviértete en un FrontDesk Máster!

Póngase en contacto con para obtener más información.

¡Huéspedes felices, recepcionistas felices y más negocios para su hotel!

Cansado de longas filas na receção e de ter os hóspedes frustrados?

Sabemos que o check-in pode ser um incômodo: longas filas, entrada manual de dados e o risco de erros de digitação atrasam o processo e frustram hóspedes e funcionários.

Mas e se houvesse uma maneira de tornar o processo de registro perfeito?
Com o nosso Combo Scan, fazer check-in de hóspedes nunca foi tão fácil. Basta digitalizar o seu bilhete de identidade ou passaporte e o sistema irá capturar instantaneamente os detalhes, sem digitação, sem erros e sem perda de tempo.

Por que os hotéis e hostels adoram:

  • Check-ins mais rápidos: reduza os tempos de espera e elimine longas filas
  • Entrada automática de dados, sem entrada manual: diga adeus a erros de digitação e nomes com erros ortográficos
  • Melhor experiência do hóspede: hóspedes satisfeitos significam melhores avaliações e reservas repetidas
  • Maior eficiência da equipe: rececionistas se concentram na hospitalidade, não na entrada de dados
  • Integração perfeita: basta ligá-lo e começar a digitalizar

Torne a sua receção mais eficiente hoje; Torne-se um FrontDesk Master!

Entre em contato com para obter mais informações ou agendar uma demonstração.

Hóspedes felizes, rececionistas felizes e mais negócios para o seu hotel!


Introducing Integrated Payment Terminals

Hello everyone!

We are excited to announce a new feature that will help speed up the check-in process and improve payment handling at your reception: integrated payment terminals!

With the addition of Verifone V400cPlus terminals to FrontDesk Master, receptionists no longer need to manually input transaction details into the system. Payments processed through the terminal are automatically synchronized with your FrontDesk Master account, saving valuable time and reducing human error. This means faster check-ins and a smoother experience for both your team and your guests.

The new terminals work alongside online payments and payment links, providing an all-in-one payment solution. All payments—whether in-person or online—are seamlessly integrated, powered by Adyen and managed by FrontDesk Master.

Key Details:

  • Price per terminal: 300 GBP (excluding taxes)
  • Transaction fees: Starting at 0.74% + €0.17
  • Model: Verifone V400cPlus
  • Available in: Europe, US, Australia, and Canada

For more information or to purchase your terminal, please contact our support team at

We’re excited to bring this new feature to you, helping you streamline your operations and provide a quicker, more efficient check-in experience for your guests!

— FrontDesk Master Team ✨

Happy New Year!

Hello everyone,

As the calendar turns to 2025, we want to thank you for trusting FrontDesk Master as your partner in managing your property operations. May this year bring you more happy guests, smooth check-ins, and plenty of success. 

Wishing you a fantastic year ahead!

— FrontDesk Master Team ✨


Recent updates

Below, you can find a list of some updates and improvements we released in November and December.


Option to not allocate bookings from Booking Engine automatically

With this new setting, you can choose if bookings made on the Booking Engine should be allocated to beds automatically or unallocated. You can find this option in Booking Engine Settings.


Information about accepted Terms & Conditions

Once guests accept your Terms & Conditions while booking through your Booking Engine, the reservation’s history will now include this information along with the accepted T&C content.



SES Hospedajes report for Spain (beta)

Enable new SES Hospedajes report in Property Settings / Integration to access new guest and reservation fields, and an exportable report from Guest List. 

This feature is in beta. In case you notice any issues or have questions about the integration, please contact us at


Invoice status and additional invoice editing permissions

You can now set status to a new or existing invoice from the Invoices list or directly in the edit invoice window.

With that, you can also restrict access to creating and editing invoices or changing invoice status.

System Update

November 5, 2024

Hello everyone!

We’re excited to announce the release of a system update that includes new features and improvements. Check out the details below!

— FrontDesk Master Team ✨


Send invoices via email

You can now send invoices to your guests directly via email. Use the “Save and send” option when creating an invoice, or select “Send email” for an existing invoice in the Invoices list. Invoices will be sent as PDF attachments, and you can track the email delivery and content in the reservation’s history.

New email keys

We’ve added new email keys for your templates:

  • {InvoiceNumber} – retrieves the latest invoice number for a reservation
  • {InvoiceDate}
  • {TotalNET} – shows the NET value of accommodation and sales combined
  • {TotalTaxValue} – displays the total tax value of accommodation and sales combined

Sales items by tax category on invoices

You can now display sales items grouped by category and tax percentage on invoices. Different items will be organized by sale item category and tax rate for easier review.

New invoice keys

We’ve added new keys for your invoice templates that pull information from the guest’s billing profile:

  • {BillingTaxNumber}
  • {BillingEmail}
  • {BillingPhone}
  • {BillingGiro}
  • {BillingCommune}

Meals report filters

Filter the new Meals report by reservation status and sales source. This feature will automatically exclude sales from cancelled and no-show reservations.

Agoda commission

Commission details for Agoda bookings are now displayed in the reservation form under the Payments tab.

Payment links

Hello everyone!

We’re thrilled to announce the latest FrontDesk Master update, including Payment Links and more improvements to invoicing. Get all the details below!

If you’re interested in implementing online payments with the new payment link feature (available in Europe and the US), feel free to reach out to us at

— FrontDesk Master Team ✨


Online payment links

We’re excited to introduce Payment Links for our FDM Payments integration! This new feature is available for users in Europe and the United States and is an excellent addition to our online payment solutions.

With payment links, you can easily generate a unique link and send it to your guests via email—making it simpler than ever to collect payments. Check out the video below for a step-by-step guide on how it works:

How to get started?
For existing FDM Online Payments users: You can find the Payment Links option under the “More” section in the main menu.
Interested in signing up for FDM Online Payments and using payment links? Contact us at for onboarding details.


Invoicing improvements

We’ve also made exciting improvements to our invoicing system, giving you more control and flexibility in customizing your invoices.

Here’s what’s new:

  • Customizable Invoice Table Settings: You can now set up default invoice table settings for each template in the invoice configuration. Choose which information should be displayed on the invoice and personalize your templates to fit your needs.

Invoice template settings

  • Editable City Tax values: You can now adjust the city tax directly in the invoice summary when creating an invoice, making the process smoother and more efficient.
  • Surcharge display: Display any surcharges as a separate line item in the invoice table, giving you more transparency in your invoicing.

Stay tuned—more updates are coming soon!

Invoicing improvements

Hello everyone,

Over the past two months, we’ve been working on making several fixes and improvements to the invoice module, all aimed at making the system easier to use and more versatile. While more updates are on the way, we wanted to share the latest changes we’ve introduced. See the details below!

— FrontDesk Master Team ✨



Standard Invoice Table
Create invoice from scratch
Issue credit notes
{GroupName} key
Show accommodation per room type
Use billing details
Print invoice from Invoices list
Invoice number as file name
Link payments with invoice
Bug fixes
And more to come!


Standard Invoice Table

The recently added {InvoiceItemsTableStandard} will now be used as the default table for new invoice templates. This table offers translations in Spanish, Portuguese, French, and Polish, and it is responsive by adjusting to the selected table settings.

Standard Invoice Table

Try out the new table now, as the next update will offer even more customization options! For more details, see the section about upcoming updates.


Create invoice from scratch

Now it is possible to create an invoice not connected to any reservation. Head to the Invoices list and use the Add new invoice button. To create an invoice from scratch, just add the recipient details, set invoice dates, add items to the table and save it.


Issue credit note

Now it is possible to make credit notes to system invoices. Select the invoice to make a refund for, and click the Make Credit note button in the Invoices list or in the Payments tab of the Reservation Form.

Credit note will generate negative values for the original invoice and save it as a separate invoice type. In Invoices list, you can now filter invoices by their type: invoice or credit note.

Credit note

The credit note number will be generated automatically based on the new credit note number setting. You can use a custom numeration or use the original invoice number for reference:

Credit note number settings


{GroupName} key

Use the {GroupName} key in your invoice template to extract the group name for a group reservation.

Group name key


Show accommodation per room type

Now you can easily display accommodation per room type in the invoice table. The system will create a list of room types from the reservation and the quantity of units (beds in dorms and rooms in private rooms).

Invoice room type accommodation table


Use billing details

When you are using Billing Profile (Invoice button in Reservation or Guest details) to for reservation billing details, now the system will use those details for the invoice.

Print invoice from Invoices list

Now you can print or save locally the invoice faster with the new print option available directly in the invoices list.

Invoice number as file name

When saving an invoice locally, the system will now use the invoice number as a file name for easier files management.


Linking payments with invoice will now adjust the Paid to date amount in already existing invoices. When you edit an existing invoice and want to connect more payments to it, it is now possible.

Bug fixes

We fixed several bugs related to invoicing, including:
– general invoice table bug fixes
– invoice list fixes
– items included into rate (e.g. breakfast included) are now included also on the invoice
– meals report fixes

And more to come!

In the next update, we will add some further enhancements to the invoicing part:

  • Invoice template settings with predefined configuration for selected template
  • Option to separate Sales by category and tax % in the invoice table
  • Option to edit city tax value in invoice table
  • Option to send invoice by email
  • Showing surcharge on the invoice table as an item

Introducing Meals and more!

July 16, 2024

Hello everyone,

Our new system update is here! Discover the new Meals feature and other improvements we added to the system in the past few months. Stay tuned for the next updates with more features very soon!

— FrontDesk Master Team ✨



   – Meals in POS & improved notes
   – Meals view in reservation
   – Quick edit option
   – Meals report
Female/Male dorms assignation warning
Prefer not to say gender option
Bed-night notes history
Statbel report for Belgium
Invoiced amount in Accounts
Extra details in reports
Siteminder: downloading children as guests
Hostelworld: No Show status


The Meals feature gives you a new, improved way to sell and control meal sales in your property. Breakfasts, lunches, dinners, packed meals, and more can now be viewed in reservations and a new report. See details and instructions below.

Selling meals in POS

Meal products are indicated with the cutlery icon. While the sell in POS works as always, whenever you choose a meal item, the option to sell per consumption date will be enabled. Additionally, it is now possible to manually choose a consumption date for a meal item (e.g., for breakfasts on the check-out date).

Selling meal items in POS

When adding notes, you can now use dietary restriction tags for faster note writing. E.g., click twice on the Vegetarian tag to show ‘2x Vegetarian’ note!

Adding notes to meal sales

Meals view in reservation

Besides the standard list of sale items, you can now use a new meals table view for a simple overview of meals in your reservations. Depending on meal settings, you can see the quantity, time, and notes.

Meals management view in reservation

Quick edit option

Double-click on a meal in the table to open the edit option. There, you can easily adjust the quantity, time, price, and notes for the selected meal type.

Option to edit meal items in reservation

Meals report

You can find the new Meals report under the ‘Guests and Reservations’ report. It will show you a summary of all meals and a list of bookings. You can filter the report by meal type, time, and dates.

Meals report

Customize the Meals report with the printout settings! Choose what information you would like to see on the printout and use the PDF button to open your report.

PDF printout of meals report

> Check how to set up Meals
> Learn how to sell Meal items in POS

Female/Male dorms assignation warning

When moving guests from one gendered room type to another, the system will show a warning when the guest’s gender doesn’t match the new room type. This option will help you avoid mistakes when moving guests around room types.

warning when moving guests

‘Prefer not to say’ gender option

The new ‘Prefer not to say’ gender option is now available for your guests on Booking Engine and during the online check-in process. In reservations, dashboard, and reports, the new option will be displayed as X.

Prefer not to say gender option on Booking Engine

See bed-night note history

With the recent system update, we have introduced an option to check the bed-night note history. It allows you to track the changes to the note. It is no longer possible to delete past bed-night notes.

History of bed-night note changes

Statbel report for Belgium

Statbel report for Belgian properties is now available. You can download it from the Guest List report. Choose the dates and the Statbel report, and hit ‘Download’ button.

statbel report download option in guest list report

Invoiced amount column in Accounts

The new ‘Invoiced amount’ column in Accounts is a great way to check the amount generated with online invoicing like Fact. ‘Amount’ is the value of the transaction saved in FrontDesk Master and ‘Invoiced amount’ is the value saved on the invoice.

Invoived column in accounts

Extra details in reports

In this update, we added some extra columns and details to the reports. Now, in the reports, you can find:

  • Age breakdown information added to Guest List, Bookings list & Guest Demographics – learn more about age breakdown field
  • ‘Show all extras’ option in the Daily Revenue report to display the whole list of sale items and categories
  • Reservation ID column added to the Extras & Sale Items report
  • ‘Total units available’ added to CSV file when downloaded from PRICES calendar

Siteminder: option to download children information

For the Siteminder channel manager connection, you can now use the option to download children as regular guests. The system will apply the children’s price accordingly to match the correct reservation total.

option to download children in siteminder

Hostelworld: No show status application

Now, when ‘No show’ status is applied on Hostelworld, FrontDesk Master will apply the corresponding ‘No show’ status to reservations in the system, instead of ‘Cancelled’.

No show status in Hostelworld booking outage (July 9th, July 12th)

Dear customers,

We would like to inform you that on July 9th and July 12th experienced an outage.

The channel informed that the problem was solved.

Important actions to take:

  • Check all bookings made on July 9th and July 12th. In case of any missing booking please enter it manually with the original ID.

In case of any overbooking caused by this issue please reach directly.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out us at

FrontDesk Master Team

FrontDesk Master on YouTube

Dear customers,

Did you know we have a YouTube channel filled with instructional videos to help you get the most out of FrontDesk Master? Our videos are available in both English and Spanish, ensuring you can follow along comfortably.

Make sure to check it out, subscribe, and save the videos for easy access. Click here to visit our YouTube channel now.

Stay tuned for new exiting updates very soon!

— FrontDesk Master Team ✨

Processing bookings problem (10th June)

Dear customers,

We would like to inform you that on June 10th we detected an issue with the channel manager.


The reservations from some channels (, HostelWorld, Expedia) stopped entering into the system. The cause was related to a third party issue. We had to disable the problematic feature for some time until the third party fixed the problem. Unfortunately, the problematic bookings were reprocessed without credit card details.


The problem was solved and the bookings are being downloaded correctly.

Important actions to take:

The reservations should be in the system now, however additionally we would like to kindly ask you to:

  • Check all bookings made between June 10th and June 11th. In case of any missing booking please enter it manually with the original ID.
  • Check the credit card details (in case they are missing) from these bookings directly in the extranets.

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out us at

FrontDesk Master Team