Hey there,
Thanks to all of you for an exciting year. It has been a pleasure working together. You gave us helpful feedback and we did our best to turn it into action. We made improvements that we hope will make your life easier. Check out the tabs below for highlights from 2018.
This year, we want to do more. More improvements and more new features. Stay tuned next week for a new release and more information about what to expect in 2019!
FrontDesk Master Team
We finalized our Channel Manager integration with AirBnB, giving you a direct connection to an increasingly important online channel.
We made it easier to manage bookings from Bed View: Right click to switch beds, cancel selected nights or easily move a reservation. Left click to block or unblock beds.
Plus, we updated Guest View to show you complete guest details (name, email, nationality, etc.) and added a convenient option to export your guest list to Excel.
Reminder: If your property has 100+ beds, enable BedView buffering to keep your calendar opening quickly. (Go to: Preferences > Bed View buffered.)
You can now set multiple Pricing Strategies for the same period of time, and add restrictions for child rates. (Child rates = rates for which prices are automatically derived from other rates.)
You can also Enable/Disable Occupancy Pricing in the Booking Engine. (Occupancy pricing = Selling private rooms for different prices to different numbers of guests.)
We added the Referral Summary Report, to help you keep track of where your guests come from, and the Coupon Usage Report, to show you how your Booking Engine coupons are performing. (Go to: Reports and scroll to find each title.)
A new permission allows you to choose whether or not your staff can access the system outside of their shift.
(Go to: Property Management > Staff > Edit Roles & Permissions.)
Properties in Portugal can now open the FACT dashboard and create an invoice, all from directly within FrontDesk Master.
For properties in Spain, we’ve improved the DGP Report (DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE LA POLICÍA) and per-person printouts, which are required in some cities.
If you’re in Chile and using LibreDTE, you’ll see that Point of Sale transactions now generate the respective BOLETA. Plus, we improved the logic for IVA / VAT Automations. FrontDesk Master can now automatically calculate the respective tax, when certain conditions are met (such as a currency or nationality being marked in the booking).
Finally, we now integrate with Tasmal, an invoicing software in Israel.